Thursday, September 29, 2011

nepal: bhaktapur and changu

here are some photos from bhaktapur, a town just outside of kathmandu. bhaktapur is fairly small, and its citizens have been careful to preserve its historical structures. the main part of the town is largely a pedestrian zone, and has been listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site.

many of the inhabitants of bhaktapur are newars. the newar people are one of the principle ethnic groups in nepal (the words "nepal" and "newar" are related). they are especially well-known for their close family ties and their skill in crafts such as pottery and metal-working.

durbar square, bhaktapur


changu is one of the oldest religious sites in nepal (my guide told me it was the oldest), dating back to the 4th or 5th century. it sits atop one of the hills overlooking the kathmandu valley. the hindu temple there is dedicated to the god vishnu.


on the way from bhaktapur to changu, we stopped at the home of my guide for lunch. they didn't speak much english, so communication was limited. my guide, radha, is a young man in his 20s. he lives with his family just outside of bhaktapur. here is a photo of his uncle:

1 comment:

  1. pottery, eh? I hope you are able to find an opportunity to throw. maybe a good activity to be shared despite the language barrier? thank you for posting so many pictures, m.
